Honouring the Strength of Women Worldwide: International Women's Day 2024 - Aliza's Journey

Q: Tell us about when & how your fitness journey began.

A: I've always been interested in staying fit. I was focused on swimming as a child and young adult, but then learned about aerobics and going to the gym.  I also like hiking when I can get outside. 

Q: What is your favourite physical activity and why?

A: Although I still enjoy swimming (especially at Sydney beaches), cardio at the gym, and Pilates, my favourite sport is badminton. I play singles once a week and the hour just flies by. People in many parts of the world think of it as a fun game to be played in the garden, but it's a serious sport that challenges you to move quickly and deftly on an indoor court. I picked it up when we moved back to Singapore in 2008.

Q: Where are you at today in your health & fitness journey and how has this impacted your life?

A: I've managed to eke out an hour almost every day for fitness my entire adult life, even when my kids were young. I find it gives me energy, even if I don't get enough sleep, and keeps me sane, especially when I travel for work. I had to be really flexible about what exercise I did and when - just anything I could fit in (except running, which would be ideal for travellers, but is not something I enjoy). 

Q: What are your tips for busy women who are the beginning of their health & fitness journey?

A: Force yourself to carve out the me-time for fitness and stick to a plan. I found it easier to do sports I could do solo so I wasn't dependent on anyone else's schedule. 

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